
NICER foundation council

  • Prof. Dr. med. Jakob Passweg President Chief physician in haematology, University Hospital Basel
  • Prof. Dr med. Murielle Bochud Vice President Co-head of the Department of Epidemiology and Health Systems, University Centre for General Medicine and Public Health (Unisanté), Lausanne
  • Dorothee Frei Hasler, lic. iur., EMBA Member Secretary General, Department of Health of the Canton of Basel-Stadt
  • Prof. Dr. med. Aurel Perren Member Director of Institute of Pathology, University of Bern
  • Prof. Dr med. Milo Puhan Member Director of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute (EBPI), University of Zurich


  • Dr. med. Katharina Staehelin, MPH Director +41 44 634 53 73
  • Dr. med. Greta Eggebrecht Scientific collaborator, physician +41 44 634 59 35
  • Luana Kälin Administrative assistant +41 44 634 47 01
  • Dr. Matthias Lorez Scientific collaborator, biostatistician +41 44 634 46 45
  • Michel Schaffner, MSc ETH Scientific collaborator, IT and data Management +41 44 634 53 60
  • Marco Weber Scientific collaborator, medical tumour documentalist +41 44 634 53 75
  • Dr. Lea Wildisen Scientific collaborator, epidemiologist +41 44 634 53 79
  • Daniel Bosshard Fiduciary, Secretary to the Board +41 43 443 17 17